Potential of psychotherapy as humanitarian practice: philosophical analysis
«anthropological practices», complexity, ethics of consumption, maturity, psychotherapy, transdisciplinarity, sustainable development.Abstract
The paper substantiates the necessity of philosophical research on psychotherapy as a current anthropological practice, which is done based on the critical philosophy of M. Foucault and modern forms of materialistic philosophy. Throughout its history, psychotherapy has declared its axiological neutrality and distanced itself from participation in resolving urgent social problems. However, nowadays this concept, stemming from the need to comply with professional requirements, has come into conflict with the real state of things, and with the tasks of the development of psychotherapy itself. On the one hand, the birth and formation of psychotherapy occurred in the era of the destruction of cultural values and the crisis of philosophy, so it necessarily inherited the ideological, spiritual and ethical, as well as praxeological mission of previous social institutions. On the other hand, it has failed to avoid the influence of individualistic attitudes and values of consumerism, as well as certain social engagement. Psychotherapy and its values play an important role in modern culture, especially Western, although this influence is often latent in nature. On the case of the sustainable development concept, the author of the article shows that the necessary condition for solving urgent social problems is the willingness to overcome stereotyped thinking and values, overcome resistance to change and the accompanying discomfort. The author is not denying the defining role of the objective economic factors for social transformations that lead to the sustainable development, nevertheless believes that anthropological practices can significantly contribute to these transformations.References
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