The problem of foundations of philosophical anthropological discourse
man, philosophical anthropology, philosophical foundations, human being, self-knowledgeAbstract
The purpose of this article is the study of the problem of foundations of philosophical anthropological discourse.The emergence of the question of foundations of philosophical anthropology connects with the position of those philosophers who suppose that philosophical anthropology can not exist as a system of positive productive knowledge. The analysis of the reasons for this approach shows that these reasons are related to the understanding of a man as aunique and specific singularity. Philosophers who deny the existence of philosophical anthropology as a science, believe that this individuality and uniqueness of a person can not be represented by means of abstract conceptual structures with shared meanings. The foundation of this interpretation of human being is the recognition of the limitedhuman body. Besides, emphasizing the sphere of the immediate and of the sensuous as a determining state of human being is another foundation. According to the author these fundamentals are not only possible and the author thinks that the alternative basis of anthropological theories is the approval of the uniform nature of human reality. Thisfoundation of anthropological conceptions is the most promising and effective basis for the development and the perfection of philosophical anthropology. Especially, this perfection applies to existential versions of philosophical anthropological thought.References
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