The problem of conceptualizing the phenomenon of practice in the context of transdisciplinary strategies of post-non-classical science
practices, theory of practices, everyday life, revealing the nature of practices, background practices, transdisciplinarityAbstract
The difficulty of identifying the sustainable content of the concept of practice is due to the diversity of its application in various areas of social knowledge and the humanities in a changing world. Approaches to the definition of the notion of practice based on the principles of classical scientific rationality interpreted this phenomenon within the framework of certain concepts. From the standpoint of modern pluralism, classical concepts of practice expressed their specific content within local boundaries and presented only a few aspects of practical human activity in the dynamics of social relations. Philosophical concepts and social theories explaining the nature of practice have long remained disciplinarily isolated de facto, not revealing their potential. The modern use of the concept of practice is universal but highly uncertain, and in fact it is associated with any life activity. The task of detecting semantic differences and attempts tosynthesize universal contents of practical activities rooted in culture and having a specific historical significance is carried out based on the principles of the transdisciplinary approach. This approach is focused both on the integration of tools developed by various disciplinary areas and communication strategies aimed at developing common solutions in situations of conflict of interests and disagreement. In this regard, the possibilities of the research style called the «theory of practices», based on the ideas (developing the concept of L. Wittgenstein) of the background nature of the practices and the potential revealing those (justified by M. Heidegger), are considered. The principle of problematization (according to M. Foucault) of the diversity of the definition of practices for identifying common issues is shown in connection withcommunication strategies in post-non-classical practices. The practice-oriented approach allows us to perceive the practices as social structures which link subjective positions of the practitioner and the researcher. The interconnection of practices and the possibility of their communication in a self-organizing development are shown through the example of phenomena in philosophical practice and psychotherapy in integral social space.References
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