Overcoming the stigma? Resocialization of troubled adolescents and urban environment



  • Irina V. Lisovskaya National Research University «Higher School of Economic» in Saint Petersburg, 16, Soyuza Pechatnikov str., Saint Petersburg, 190008, Russia




specialized open-type educational institution, adolescent, difficult life situation, categorization analysis, resocialization, stigma


The article deals with the problems of resocialization of adolescents in difficult life situations, who are studying in specialized open-type educational institutions. The method of semi-structured interview with biographical elements was used for collecting the empirical material. The research is based on 7 interviews with teenagers and 3 interviews with teachers. The article considers the process of communication between a troubled adolescent and socium. The experience of adolescents is individualized and presented in the form of a life story.Biographical analysis and the method of categorization are used as the main approach, the elements of analysis being speech codes, categories and meanings from narrative interviews placed in a special sociocultural dimension (close contact of the urban environment and the environment of the specialized institution). This strategy eminently represents the life path and difficulties faced by young people that helped them to form individual categories-characteristics of surrounding objects. The author’s aim is to analyze how everyday practices of communication of adolescents change during the period of training in the institution. The author considered in the article how the process of resocialization of «difficult» adolescents in the conditions of a city and a special institution is proceeding, what are the main barriers and what is the impact of stigma.

Author Biography

Irina V. Lisovskaya, National Research University «Higher School of Economic» in Saint Petersburg, 16, Soyuza Pechatnikov str., Saint Petersburg, 190008, Russia

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Socialand Human Sciences


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