About the Journal

"Perm University Herald. History" is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of original fundamental and applied studies within the field of Historical Sciences and Archaeology (Russian history; General history (the corresponding period); Historiography, source study and methods of historical research) in the form of academic articles, reports, newsletters, bibliographic surveys, book reviews, historical references, and commented sources. The publication of manuscripts is free of charge for all contributors including graduate students and applicants. The articles must not be published elsewhere previously or submitted to other journals. The articles received by the Editorial Board are peer-reviewed.               

The Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry for Education and Science included the Perm University Herald. History in the list of the leading peer-reviewed journals, which can publish articles, required for obtaining the degree of Doctor and Candidate of sciences since  2010.           

Included in Web of Science Core Collection, database Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) since 2017.
Included in the Russian Science Citation Index database (RSCI)
Included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences database (ERIH PLUS)/

Issues of "Perm University Herald. History" since 1998 are available on the previous website of the journal, page –  Archive of Issues http://histvestnik.psu.ru/007 . Issues of the journal since 2009 are also available in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) which is located in Scientific Electronic Library of Russian Fund for Basic Research: https://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=2826 5 and in CYBERLENINKA.     

In 2018, "Perm University Herald. History" got the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Perm region for implementing a research and publishing project (grant agreement No. D-26/002).       

Perm State University is the founder of the journal.     

Certificate of registration of mass media PI № FS77– 66789 is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on August 8, 2016.              

ISSN 2219-3111               

DOI 10.17072/2219-3111             

The journal is published 4 times per year:

№ 1 - March, № 2  - June, № 3  - September, № 4  - December.


Index listing in the catalogue "Ural Press" www.ural-press.ru 41004. URL: https://www.ural-press.ru/catalog/97266/8650358/?sphrase_id=394744           

The journal is published by the Publishing center "Perm University Press" (15 Bukirev st., Perm, Russia, 614068)


Current Issue

No. 4(67) (2024): Perm University Herald. History
Published: 2024-12-26


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