
  • A. I. Tuzbekov


looters, looting, “treasure hunters”, destruction of archaeological sites, Internet communities


In the last decade in Russia, the activities of looters of archaeologıcal sıtes have become more and more widespread. Every year, from early spring to late autumn, looters equipped with powerful metal detectors and other devices search for new artifacts damaging the cultural layer of archaeological monuments. Recently, due to the lack of written sources about the stages in the history of their development, some regions of the country have faced the problem that later developed into a key one. One of these regions is the Republic of Bashkortostan. The author's analysis of various sources revealed that the system of protection and preservation of archaeological sites in Russia is ineffective in countering looters, and is mainly aimed at combating negligent housing developers. In a wide information space, there are no analytical materials and scientific works that objectively reflect such illegal activities. In most works, only the damage done by the “treasure hunters” is stated. According to the author, one of the most accessible sources for researching the activities and subculture of looters are online communities in social networks. The study identified three groups of “black diggers” in the social network “VKontakte”. Using various software programs and scientific methods, subscribers and content were examined. Based on the results, the author concludes that the activities of looters are actively encouraged in social networks. In such groups, there are discussions on the findings obtained as a result of the illegal search for a “treasure”, effective methods and ways of avoiding responsibility, as well group coordination and arrangement of conventions.


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How to Cite

Tuzbekov А. И. . (2022). LOOTING OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN BASHKIRIA: RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL NETWORKS. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 59(4), 114–128. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/6041