the Society of Ural Mining Technicians (SUMT), Labor Bureau, social and protective activity, scientific and technological work, employmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the socio-protective activities of the Society of Ural Mining Technicians (SUMT). It was founded in 1901 in the Perm province as a professional scientific and technical community. The organization was formed at the stage of the final phase of the industrial revolution in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which contributed to the development of scientific thought in the Ural region, the formation of new social relations and the emergence of professional associations. The main staff of the Society included engineers, technicians, teachers and students of the Ural Mining School. The author considers in detail the activities of the Bureau of Labor as one of the structural subdivisions of SUMT. It began its work in 1902 and acted as an intermediary between the employee and the employer. Its purposes were to collect data from employers on the availability of vacancies at enterprises, to compile a database of unemployed members of SUMT, to resolve issues of their employment, and to prepare recommendations and guarantees when applying for a job. The Bureau of Labor also provided material support to family members of the community. In addition, the Bureau of Labor monitored the observance of the employees’ working conditions, ensured the protection of the interests of the members of the Society at work, protected their interests in case of conflicts with the employer or the abnormal position of technicians, and was engaged in workers' health insurance. The revealed violations by the employer were published by the Bureau of Labor in the journal of the Society "Ural Technician". The Bureau of Labor of the Society of Ural Mining Technicians implemented social protective functions in the Ural region associated with labor exchanges in the pre-revolutionary period of Russia’s development.References
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