Oriental studies, history of Russian science, the Near East, the Middle East, Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vasily Bartold, Sergei OldenburgAbstract
One of the most important sources on the history of Russian academic historical science in general and on the history of Russian Oriental studies in particular is the correspondence between the largest researchers of the history of the Near and Middle East, Academician Vasily Bartold and the permanent secretary of the IAS (RAS/AS of the USSR) in 1904–1929 Academician Sergei Oldenburg. The correspondence is kept in the St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The documents themselves have not yet been published, and their commented introduction into scientific circulation is only expected. The documents contain detailed information on the development and implementation (both successful and unsuccessful) of research plans of these two major Russian scholars on various turns of Russian history in the late 19th – first third of the 20th century in general and Russian humanities in particular, as well as numerous details of their personal relations and relations with colleagues for more than 30 years. The letters indicate the position of Bartold and Oldenburg not only on the most important academic issues related to European Oriental studies, but also on issues of social and political importance for the fate of Russia. An important aspect of the activities of Bartold and Oldenburg was the work to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, as well as to support public education and higher education. The correspondence between Bartold and Oldenburg is the most important source for reconstructing the scientific biographies of both scholars, as well as for reconstructing the history of Russian (Soviet) science and culture of the late 19th – first third of the 20th century. A brief overview of archival documents predates the publication of all correspondence between Bartold and Oldenburg.References
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