
  • S. N. Razumov
  • N. P. Telnov
  • S. D. Lysenko
  • V. S. Sinika


early Middle Ages, Lower Dniester, belt sets, jewelry, bronze matrix, anthropomorphic mask, Avars, ancient Hungarians, Subbotsevo type


A bronze stamping mould for belt-ends was found in 2016 on the outskirts of Slobodzeya on the territory of a multi-layered settlement on the left bank of the Lower Dniester. The item has traces of long-term use; the front side is badly worn out. The stamping mould shows a full-face anthropomorphic male face with a long mustache and beard. An analysis of the finds of early medieval metal stamping moulds for a belt set showed that the overwhelming majority of them are connected with the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire (urban centers) and the Avar Khaganate (graves of "jewelers"). Matrices are dated back to the 7th and 8th centuries. However, the study of items from belt sets with male guises led to the conclusion that such images were quite widely represented in the 9th–10th centuries in different areas, for example, in Moravia, the Upper Dnieper region, the Middle Volga region, the North Caucasus, and the South Ural region. Similar images on objects of toreutics, which had Byzantine and / or Iranian roots, appeared, according to available sources, in the 7th century. Then, parts of a belt set with alike images marking the high social status of the wearer were used by various peoples for several more centuries. It is highly probable that the published stamping mould is related to the nomadic Early Hungarian cemetery (to the sites of Subbotsevo type) (9th century), which was sunk into the Bronze Age barrow at a distance of about 1 km from the place of its discovery. In this case, the finding of the stamping mould may indicate the wintering place of this nomadic group, where the parts of the belt sets were made.


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How to Cite

Razumov, S. N., Telnov, N. P., Lysenko, S. D., & Sinika, V. S. (2021). EARLY MEDIEVAL STAMPING MOULD FOR BELT-ENDS FROM THE LOWER DNIESTER REGION. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 52(1), 61–69. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/4452