The Europeanization of Moscow troops in the XVII century: the transfer of Dutch military model's education practices


  • E.E. Kulikova Perm State National Research University


Europeanization, military revolution, regiments of the new order, the Dutch military model, foreign officers of XVII c., linear tactics


Muscovy faced with military superiority of Western neighbors and was forced to work on increasing its own defense in the XVII century. Moscow administrators had their own selection criteria and wanted to improve their defense but not to create an army of «Swedish», «Polish» or «Dutch» sample. Education was one of the most innovative and effective western practices which have been adapted in the Muscovy’s army. Foreign military experts played a key role in this process. Despite all the difficulties in the process of adaptation Muscovy created a body of local specialists and laid the foundations for subsequent military reforms in the XVIII century. In this case the process of training was focused on obtaining practical skills rather than on deep military theory. The European experts were an indispensable resource for Moscow authorities in that process. Due to their consultations, participation in the selection of experts, translation of special technical literature, the creation of the first military documents for staffing, training, maintenance and operation of the regiments in times of peace and war, participation in the transfer of the linear tactics to the Muscovites the Moscow state managed to give its own response to the challenge from the modernized European armies despite of its scarce resources.


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How to Cite

Kulikova, E. (2020). The Europeanization of Moscow troops in the XVII century: the transfer of Dutch military model’s education practices. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, (1), 121–126. Retrieved from