The creation of cavalry military settlement in sloboda Ukraine
military settlements, settlement county, the Russian Empire, the 2nd Uhlan division, the 2nd Cuirassier divisionAbstract
The cavalry military settlements in Sloboda Ukraine were part of the system, which was spread in western and southern regions of the Russian Empire. Military settlements were specific social and economic structures, as a military settler was to carry military service and to farm. The system of such settlements led to the creation of new structure of governance in the counties of military settlements. In April 1817 interim administration of the county of cavalry military settlement was established in the Sloboda Ukraine, whose function was to arrange the settlement of the 2nd Uhlan division. The division of lands between the regiments and the relocation of the merchants, townsmen and landowners outside the military settlement was important in the creation of the settlement which lasted from 1817 to 1821 and became the first period of the formation of cavalry military settlement in Sloboda Ukraine. In 1824 the committee aimed to create the military settlement of the 2nd Cuirassier division began to work, and the decree on the creation of the settlement was signed on February 18, 1825. So in general the creation of cavalry military settlements in Sloboda Ukraine took place from 1817 to 1825 and involved the provision of the settlements of the 2nd Uhlan division, the 2nd Cuirassier division and auxiliary battalions.References
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