On the nationalization of Russian theatres in 1919: the Ufa case
decree “On the Unification of Theatre Business”, Central Theatre Committee, theater section, the Ufa State Demonstration TheatreAbstract
The essay analyses the realization of the decree “On the Unification of Theatre Business” dated 26th of August 1919 in Ufa where people were trying to neutralize social and economic consequences of the Civil War. The main obstacles for creative and financial stability of Russian and Tatar-Bashkir theatre companies of the provincial capital are analyzed. Those obstacles were: economic crisis, lack of experts in the Party and Soviet artistic culture management bodies, the absence of methodological base and criteria for evaluating works of art. “The Statement on the Unification of Theatre Business in the Ufa Province" which established the bodies of party public administration of theatres was adopted in Ufa on the 10th of September 1919 and the Ufa State Demonstration Theatre was established on the basis of Aksakov people’s house on the 14th of September 1919. However, the activity of the theatre was not adjusted, because for several months the state was refusing to take responsibility for the status of nationalized theatre property and for the financing of the theatre. The party leadership did not find any worthy suggestions for the solution of theatre issue. The theatre building was often used by trade union organizations not for its intended purpose. Finally, the city experienced the shortage of professional artistic and administrative personnel. During the analyzed period the amateur art was widely spread, because the professional theatre was not clear for mass proletarian audience.References
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