Granulation and filigree in medieval jewelry of Perm region of the Urals


  • Yu. А. Podosyonova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University


granulation, filigree, Perm region of the Urals, the Middle Ages


The paper presents results of technological analysis of granulation and filigree in medieval jewelry ofPermregion of the Urals. It was found that the analyzed techniques appeared in different chronological periods. Granulation is typical for the jewelry dated from the VIII century until the XIV century. At the beginning few granular beads were soldering, but since the X century more abundant and diverse decorating of jewelry with beads (different size of beads in one product, a large number of beads) is traced. Filigree and twining techniques have been used in jewelry decorating inPermregion during the X-XIV centuries. In the early stages filigree replaced stamped wire which had been used to disguise technological seams. Filigree decoration was used together with beads decoration in the jewelry of the X-XIV centuries. The gradual introduction of granulation and filigree inPermjewelry and originality in size, materials, types of jewelry with such techniques indicate the existence of local jewelers able to use those methods of decorating. Jewelry tools, typical for the application of those techniques, are widely represented in medieval archaeological sites ofPermregion. Among them there are crucibles, which could be used for manufacturing raw material and granulation, drawplates for manufacturing wire rods, casting-forms for manufacturing cast metal bars which were the basis for wire pulling, jewelry tweezers, jewelry vise.

Author Biography

Yu. А. Podosyonova, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidate of Science in History, Senior Lecturer, Department of Ancient and Medieval History of Russia, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Russia)


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How to Cite

Podosyonova Y. А. (2020). Granulation and filigree in medieval jewelry of Perm region of the Urals. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 24(1), 36–43. Retrieved from