«The history of political agitation in the Kama region» project: on the path of «Digital political science»
Digital Humanities, Digital Political Science, Political Science, source-oriented information system, political agitation, sources, meta descriptionAbstract
The paper examines the experience of creating a multidisciplinary source-oriented information system based on archival documents that reflect the post-Soviet pre-election campaign and propaganda in theKamaregion. The author analyzes the main approaches, methods, tools and technologies, as well as the problems of the project. The comparison of the results with the basic features of Digital humanities and Digital Political Science enabled to show the commonality of the major trends in the process of informatization of the Humanities inRussiaand abroad. In Digital Humanities, information support of science and education is an important objective of projects. With regard to Digital Political Science, it means creating new opportunities to support research and education at the level of data’s organization and visualization. As a result, for the first time in the region, a multidisciplinary source-based information resource, providing the digital representation of a thousand of documents and materials of pre-election campaign in theKamaregion, was created.References
Список источников
Краевая целевая программа развития политической культуры и гражданского образования населения Пермского края на 2007–2011 гг. Закон Пермского края от 23.12.2006 № 43-КЗ, пункт 4.6.5 «Сбор материалов и создание общедоступных баз данных архивных материалов, посвященных политическим процессам в регионе».
Паспорт проекта «Из истории региональной политической рекламы». URL: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.permgani.ru%2Fuploads%2FProekty%2FPasport_projekta_po_istorii_reklamy.doc (дата обращения: 22.07.2015).
Библиографический список
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