Cultural exchange in Early modern times: the case of the trip of Johann Georg, duke of Saxe-Weimar, to Italy in 1701


  • I. S. Romanenko St. Petersburg State University


nobility, travel, Reformation, the 17th century, religion, estate, Johann Georg, cross-cultural communication


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of the German Protestant nobility’s travels in the 17th century. The author states that the manifestations of cultural self-identification among the travellers were more distinct than the manifestations of cultural or religious identities. During the 16th and the 17th centuries, all the traditional features of nobility, including communication within it, changed radically. Therefore, the interest to social contacts established partly due to the nobility’s travels is justified and connected with those changes.

Author Biography

I. S. Romanenko, St. Petersburg State University

Postgraduate Student, Department of History of Middle Ages, St. Petersburg State University (Russia)


Библиографический список

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How to Cite

Romanenko, I. S. (2020). Cultural exchange in Early modern times: the case of the trip of Johann Georg, duke of Saxe-Weimar, to Italy in 1701. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 30(3), 123–127. Retrieved from