Pricing land at land management Permian farmers during the Stolypin reforms


  • G. P. Volgireva Perm State University


land valuation, valuation journals, land management, peasant, land manager


The paper presents the documents concerning land valuation during the Stolypin reform. After the publication of “The Regulations on Land Management” on May 29th, 1911, the government tightened the requirements for land management work and started to name such a work as a “radical land management”. The Committee on Land Management Issues required land managers to conduct a thorough land valuation in order to determine the exact equivalent of the newly formed land plots and the compliance of their cost with the former land holdings. It was aimed at the equation of land of different quality for all the peasants. InPerm province, land valuation as a mandatory component of land management started only in 1913-1914. The peasants themselves made the valuation by taking into account all the nuances of soil fertility, the presence of bush or forests, remoteness, and, most importantly, the yield of the land.Perm land managers took into account all the features of local peasants’ assessment of land and identified two approaches to the valuation: on the actual ownership and on the cost of the accountant person. The analyzed documents reveal the uniqueness of the full respect of the Government to the peasants in the valuation of their own land.

Author Biography

G. P. Volgireva, Perm State University

Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor, Department of Contemporary Russian History, Perm State National Research University (Russia)


Список источников

Российский государственный исторический архив (РГИА). Ф.408. Оп.1. Д.272. Л.71–72об.; Оп.3. Д.28. Л.1–1об., 19–19об., 20–21, 52–52об., 53–53об., 54–54об., 58об. –59, 93–123об., 127–127об.

Списки населенных мест Пермской губернии. Красноуфимский уезд. Пермь, 1909.


Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy istoricheskiy arkhiv (RGIA). F.408. Op.1. D.272. L.71–72ob.; Op.3. D.28. L.1–1ob., 19–19ob., 20–21, 52–52ob., 53–53ob., 54–54ob., 58ob. –59, 93–123ob., 127–127ob.

Spiski naselennykh mest Permskoy gubernii. Krasnoufimskiy uezd. Perm', 1909.



How to Cite

Volgireva, G. P. (2020). Pricing land at land management Permian farmers during the Stolypin reforms. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 30(3), 32–41. Retrieved from