
  • A. L. Belitskaya


late iron age, Vanvizdinskaya archaeological culture, Lomovatovskaya archaeological culture, the Sysola river, the region of Upper Kama, ethno-cultural interaction


The article is devoted to the complex of artefacts of the late iron age of the Ib settlement located in the valley of the Sysola river in the territory of theKomiRepublic. Products of the second half of the I millennium AD  were in three points of the settlement. Two of them were excavations in the northern part of the monument, the large-scale excavations were not carried out in the southern part. Among the artefacts were found fragments of ceramic pots, objects of metal, headset belt, ring of chain armour, bone and stone products. The study of inventory and planigraphy allowed to allocate two cultural and chronological complexes. The first is represented by fragments of finished products and is associated with the movement of the population of the upperKamagroup of Lomovatovskaya culture on the territory of the european North-East. Finds (ceramics, belt metal plates, stone bead) find direct analogies in the inventory of theKamamonuments of the VII-IX centuries. The second complex, to which is the most part of ceramics, a bone knife and a pendant, a casting mold for production of bronze ingots belongs is connected with local population of Vanvizdinsky culture. May be this population is came under influence of groups of late period bichevnitsky culture at thePechora. The dating of the complex can be set within the VI-VIII centuries. Materials of the Ib settlement demonstrate existence of one more direction of communication at Sysola between groups of the people of theUpper Kamaand the European Northeast in the late Iron Age.


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