World history of aging: from antiquity to modernity


  • М. V. Romashova Perm State University


old age, demographic aging, representations, modernization, medicalization, gerontology, global context


The paper presents some reflections on the problem of old age raised by David Troyansky in the book «Aging in World History» (Themes in World History). Aging of population has become an issue of worldwide concern, a challenge to the society, authorities, and social support system, but it also opened new possibilities for the elderly. The old age experience has become the norm. It strengthened the interest to the history of old age that leads to the studies of what the aging ways were in past; what people could expect in their later years; how they represented old age, and how other people represented it; what traditional representations of the elderly continue to shape people’s lives; how to avoid concerns and fears dedicating to natural aging; whether society is ready to confirm a changing role, needs and possibilities of elderly people. Historiography’s discussions, methods and approaches to the history of old age are considered. The main theme sections and research issues of the analyzed book are defined. The literature on the Soviet history of old age is examined shortly.doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-1-189-197

Author Biography

М. V. Romashova, Perm State University

Candidate of Science in History, Director, History Museum of Perm State University; Senior Research Fellow, Center for Comparative Historical and Political Studies; Associate Professor, Department of Contemporary Russian History, Perm State University (Russia)



Публикация подготовлена в рамках поддержанного РГНФ научного проекта № 15-11-59003.

Рамки статьи не позволяют упомянуть всех авторов и их работы, на которых основывается обзор Троянски. Приведем лишь некоторые из них: Cole T. The Journey of Life: A Cultural History of Aging in America. Cambridge,

; Banner L. In Full Flower: Aging Women, Power, and Sexuality. New York, 1992; Women and Aging in Britain since 1500. London, 2000; Laslett P. A Fresh Map of Life: The Emergence of the Third Age. London, 1996;

Premo T. Winter Friends: Women Growing Old in the New Republic. Urbana, 1990; Achenbaum A. Historical Perspectives on Aging// Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. London, 1995.

Lindenmeyr A. Work, Charity, and the Elderly in Late-Nineteenth-Century Russia// Old Age in Preindustrial Society. New York, 1982; Velkoff V., Kinsella K. Aging in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. 1993.

В 2005 г. вышел специальный выпуск журнала «Отечественные записки» (№ 3 (24)) под названием «Стареть по-русски», посвященный культурным, экономическим, демографическим аспектам старения в России и за рубежом.

Edele M. Soviet Veterans of World War II: A Popular Movement in an Authoritarian State, 1941–1991. Oxford,

; Tiaynen T. Babushka in Flux: Grandmothers and Family-making between Russian Karelia and Finland. Tampere, 2013 и др.; Зеликова Ю.А. Стареющая Европа: демография, политика, социология. СПб., 2014; Краснова О. В. Роль бабушки: Сравнительный анализ // Психология зрелости и старения. 2000. № 2 (10). С. 89–115; Ромашова М.В. «Дефицитная» бабушка: советский дискурс старости и сценарии старения// НЛО. 2015. № 3 (133). С. 55–65; Семенова В. Бабушки: семейные и социальные функции прародительского поколения // Судьбы людей: Россия XX век. М., 1996. С. 326–355 и др.

Библиографический список

Troyansky D. Aging in World History (Themes in World History). New York, London: Routledge, 2016. 152 р.

Thane P. Social Histories of Old Age and Aging// Journal of Social History. 2003. № 37. P. 93–111.

Lovell S. Introduction// Generations in Twentieth Century Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2007. P. 1–18.

Lovell S. Soviet Russia’s Older Generations// Generations in Twentieth Century Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2007. P. 205–226.

Lovell S. Soviet Socialism and the Construction of Old Age// Jahrbucher für Geschichte Osteuropas. 2003. № 4 (51). P. 564–585.

Harris S. We Too Want to Live in Normal Apartments: Soviet Mass Housing and the Marginalization of the Elderly under Khrushchev and Brezhnev// Soviet and Post-Soviet Review. 2005. № 2–3 (32). P. 143– 174. The Long History of Old Age. London, 2005. 320 р.


Harris, S. (2005), “We Too Want to Live in Normal Apartments: Soviet Mass Housing and the Marginalization of the Elderly under Khrushchev and Brezhnev”, Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, № 2–3 (32), pp. 143-174.

Lovell, S. (2003), “Soviet Socialism and the Construction of Old Age”, Jahrbucher für Geschichte Osteuropas, № 4 (51), pp. 564–585.

Lovell, S. (2007), “Introduction”, in Generations in Twentieth Century Europe, Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 1-18.

Lovell, S. (2007), “Soviet Russia’s Older Generations”, in Generations in Twentieth Century Europe, Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 205–226.

Thane, P. (2003), “Social Histories of Old Age and Aging”, Journal of Social History, № 37, pp. 93–111.

The Long History of Old Age (2005), Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 320 р.

Troyansky, D. (2016), Aging in World History (Themes in World History), Routledge, New York, London, 152 р.



How to Cite

Romashova М. V. (2020). World history of aging: from antiquity to modernity. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 36(1), 189–197. Retrieved from