On the failed lectures of Sergey Platonov at Perm University
Sergey Platonov, Boris Grekov, Arseniy Kadlubovsky, Perm University, lectures, writing, revolutionAbstract
The opening of the Branch of the Petrograd University, soon transformed into an independent university, in 1916 in Perm was a turning point in the organization of higher education in the Urals. Personnel problems were among the difficulties of the first months of the establishment of an educational institution. Therefore, young schol-ars, as well as prominent professors from other universities were invited to the university. The paper presents the little-known information on the planned but failed trip of an outstanding historian Sergey F. Platonov to Perm. Pla-tonov was listed in the staff of the Historical and Philological Department of Perm University. In 1917, his trip to Perm was actively preparing, where he was supposed to be involved in giving a series of lectures, helping with the organization of the university, visiting a military factory, and meeting with Boris D. Grekov. Grekov was a young professor looking for a professor position, and after the rejection from the Kazan University, through the efforts of Platonov, he went to a new university in the Urals. Grekov was the link between the faculty and Platonov, and he wanted to receive advice and recommendations from Platonov on the preparation of doctoral dissertation and further stay in Perm. The unknown letter of Arseniy Kadlubovsky to Platonov concerning his future lectures is published. The announcements about the supposed lecture and its cancellation in “Permskie Vedomosti” are also of interest. The plans of the visit were violated by the events in the capital. The beginning of the February revolution changed the plans of Platonov, as well as the whole country. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-2-166-171References
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