Cyclicity of diplomatic contacts at the birth of the relations between Russia and Spain


  • A. S. Kuklina Nizhny Novgorod State University


Russia, Spain, Russian-Spanish relations, diplomatic relations


The author examines periodic recurrence of political and economic cooperation between Russia and Spain. The process of the origin of state contacts at the time of the end of the Reconquista in Spain and the deliverance of Russia from the power of the Golden Horde is of particular interest. The generality of historical tasks (to stand at the turn of Christian civilization) brought together and for many years bred the political interests of the Russian state and the Kingdom of Spain. The King of Spain and the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Carl V gave a “friendly letter” to the Moscow Grand Prince Vasily III (titled “Emperor Maximilian I Rus”) and thus engendered the first relations between Russia and Spain. The Roman Empire was looking for an ally in Russia against Turkey, and, in 1521, the campaign of Sahib Giray (the Crimean Khan's brother) against Russia led to the unification of the interests of Russia and the Roman Empire. Peter Ivanovich Potemkin, one of the “boyars” of Alexey Mikhailovich, is considered the founder of Russian-Spanish diplomatic relations. The first political contacts between Russia and Spain were directed primarily to find common interests in the organization of cooperation against the Ottoman Empire. The historical facts of 250 years of Russian-Spanish political and economic relations formation demonstrate that the common inter-ests of Russia and Spain have always predetermined the possibility of developing an all-round partnership alliance, but Western countries foreshadowed the possibility of a comprehensive partnership. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-2-138-145

Author Biography

A. S. Kuklina, Nizhny Novgorod State University

Postgraduate Student, Institute of International Relations and World History; Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Nizhny Novgorod State University (Russia)


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How to Cite

Kuklina, A. S. (2019). Cyclicity of diplomatic contacts at the birth of the relations between Russia and Spain. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 37(2), 138–145. Retrieved from