The uprising of the eastern turks and the Tang dynasty in 679 – 690


  • R. T. Ganiev Ural Federal University


ancient Turks, Eastern Turks, Eastern Turk Empire, Central Asia, climate, the Tang Dynasty, China


The materials of the Chinese written sources are used in studying the Eastern Turks’ war for independence in 679–690. After 630, the Eastern Turks were subordinate to the Tang Dynasty. The Emperor Taizong (627–649) took a course on convergence of Turks and Chinese. The reasons for the Turks’ dissatisfaction with China’s policy have been already formed during the reign of the next Emperor Gaozong who ruled from 650 to 683. Initially, he contin-ued the policy of his predecessor, but it was less successful. The author distinguishes three stages of the uprising. The first two stages were unsuccessful for the rebels and their leaders (Nishufu and Funian Qaghan). The third stage, headed by Ashina Gudolu, was the longest and the most stressful one in relations with the Tang Dynasty. In 682–683, Ashina Gudolu and Ashide Yuanchzhen were regularly defeated by China. However, in 684–686, the Turks managed to win few battles and to turn the tide in their favour. At that time, serious climatic anomalies occurred and influenced the Eastern Turks. The sources indicated drought, snow, famine, locusts, diseases, many deaths, and can-nibalism among nomads due to natural anomalies. Despite this, the Turks coped with the difficulties and laid the foundations for further strengthening of the Eastern Turkic Kaganate during the reign of the next Kagan Mocho. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-2-115-121

Author Biography

R. T. Ganiev, Ural Federal University

Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History, Ural Federal University (Russia)


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How to Cite

Ganiev, R. T. (2019). The uprising of the eastern turks and the Tang dynasty in 679 – 690. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 37(2), 115–121. Retrieved from