Mobilization: from peace to war (features of filmed propaganda in the newsreel “Soviet Art” and documentary Film “Ural forges victory”)
mobilization, film propaganda, newsreel, documentary, “Ural forges victory”Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of filmed propaganda as a means of mobilization. The author investigates the successive link of pre-war newsreels with wartime documentary films. The dominant of the Soviet war films was the propaganda of the activity aimed at the creation of the people’s unity in the struggle against the invaders. The success of the propaganda was connected not only with national aim to defeat the enemy, but with the pre-war prop-aganda models. Mobilization project of industrialization destroyed the differences between peaceful and military work. Before the war, not only people and machines but also ideology were the heroes of industrialization. With the introduction of sound to the cinema, the ideological content of art got a chance to be verbalized that had resulted in creation of a new genre of cinema – newsreels. In newsreels, all significant aspects of the Soviet propaganda for the mobilization project such as demonstration of the feat of labor, transmission of the spirit of competition, demonstra-tion of new everyday life were visualized. During the war, workers, scientists, writers, artists, men, women, and chil-dren were the heroes of the rear. The author analyzes the usage of the pre-war propaganda traditions (international-ism, the unity of workers and intellectuals, etc.) in wartime documentary films, as well as new trends in the Soviet ideology: the search for the heroic samples in Russian history and folklore expressed in the narrators’ intonations; the appearance of a specific type of nationalism when the word “Soviet” was substituted by the word “Russian”; the us-age of Pavel Bazhov’s authority. His heroes were Ural citizens, independent, creative, and skillful personalities. Peo-ple trained to daily heroism in the era of industrialization, accepted the conditions of a new reality where a hard life was the norm. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-2-99-105References
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