‘Exorcism of cultural otherness’: social integration and economic survival of the refugees in post-soviet Armenia


  • E. H. Hovhannisyan European University in St. Petersburg


refugees, host society, marginality, socio-economic relations, matrimonial relations


The paper introduces some of negative stereotyping models and prejudices that refugees encounter when reset-tling from Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) to post-Soviet Armenia. The author has conducted ethno-graphic fieldwork over approximately five months in 2014 and 2015, seeking contextual understandings of stereo-type concepts in the Vardenis district of Armenia populated by two socio-cultural groups of Armenians, that are the local inhabitants and the refugees. The research is based on an analysis of social and cultural dichotomy of those two groups. The fieldwork reveals a relationship structure between newcomers and the local population, resulting in the formation of kinship and social solidarity networks that lie at the basis of the new economy and social structure of the region. A combination of participant observation and in-depth interviews was used to explore the refugee strategies employed to survive in the host society. An ethnographic approach was used to contextualize the everyday experi-ences of the refugees and made it possible to present detailed descriptions of gender-specific discourses. The biog-raphies, recorded more than two decades after moving to a new territory, not only shed light on the past of those peo-ple but also demonstrate the complicated process of their integration into a new society. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-2-45-54

Author Biography

E. H. Hovhannisyan, European University in St. Petersburg

Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Anthropology, European University in St. Petersburg (Russia)


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How to Cite

Hovhannisyan, E. H. (2019). ‘Exorcism of cultural otherness’: social integration and economic survival of the refugees in post-soviet Armenia. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 37(2), 45–54. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/2725