Conrad Adenauer and the German question in German historiography
Canadian political culture, Canadian liberal tradition, Red Tory, Mackenzie King, Richard B. Ben-net, Ernest LapointeAbstract
The author states that political culture is a complex and unique phenomenon of national life. Its formation and development depends on many multidimensional factors, both objective and subjective. Among them, there are spa-tial, temporal, historical, cultural, economic, ethno-anthropological, ideological, institutional, legal, demographic, religious, and other factors. The effect of those factors on political culture is in interrelation and interdependence. In different periods of political history of any nation, some factors influence more than others. The Canadian political culture of the interwar time and of the formation of the Canadian nation is characterized by multidimensional effect of all factors, but, firstly, it was influenced by §§ideological and economic factors. The subjective factor of political leadership played a certain role in the formation of Canadian political culture in the analyzed period. After the Great War, the Prime Minister Borden and his government have lost the confidence of the nation on the possibility of social change. The electorate preferred to vote for the young liberal politician King. His long political life can only be ex-plained by the fact that he considered numerous factors in his political activities. It contributed to the unity of the nation and to the preservation of the small Canadian people consisting of French Canadians and English Canadians. Besides, the author notes that Canadian political culture of the interwar time had the distortions and the deviations from the liberal tradition due to its incomplete formation. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-3-190-119References
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