BElt garniture and Yugomashev burial chronology


  • O.S. Belyavskaya (Krapacheva) Institute of History, Language and Literature


South Urals, Mazunin culture, Yugomashev ground burial, belt garniture, classification, chronology, planigraphy


The article analyzes the belt garniture (buckles, straps, and tips) of the Yugomashev burial of the Mazunin culture. The necropolis was investigated by Mazhitov in 1967 and by Vasyutkin and Kalinin in 1975, but the excavation materials were not published by the authors. In this study, the elements of the belt set are considered from the point of view of morphology, classification and chronology. Ostanina dated the Yugomashev burial ground back to the 5th century, noting that the separation into smaller chronological periods was not yet possible. The analysis of the belt set and other types of objects by the method of a “narrow dating” proposed by Chukin made it possible to distinguish three chronological groups of burials belonging to the 4th century, 4th-5th centuries, and 5th century. Because of the lack of grave goods, it is impossible to date ten graves containing items from the belt garniture. The maximum concentration of burials with belt sets is recorded in the eastern zone of the necropolis, whereas in the western part, belt sets are represented in the half of the burials. The earliest graves are located in the center of sites (this is especially noticeable in the eastern sector of excavations). Consequently, the complexes of the 4th century mark the centers where the cemetery sections began to be filled. It is possible to distinguish three centers (one in the east, two in the west). This may indicate the presence of three groups of patronymies in the studied area. In the future, these findings can be corrected, as the necropolis site is not fully investigated.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2018-1-86-100

Author Biography

O.S. Belyavskaya (Krapacheva), Institute of History, Language and Literature

Postgraduate Student, Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)


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How to Cite

Belyavskaya (Krapacheva), O. (2019). BElt garniture and Yugomashev burial chronology. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 40(1), 86–100. Retrieved from