Stone Implements and Mineral Row of Garinskaia Paleolithic Site on the Sosva River


  • Yu. B. Serikov Russian State Professional Pedagogical University (Nizhny Tagil Branch)


Paleolithic, complex of the stone products, the technology of stone processing, mineral raw


Garinskaia site is the most northern Paleolithic site on the Eastern slope of the Urals. The complex of the stone products, manufacturing technology and mineral raw are analyzed in the article. The stone implements contain about 700 items. They are represented by nucleuses, waste of their production, plates with and without retouching, scrapers, edge, cutters, chisels, abrasives, chippers, and flakes. At the site, the technology of splitting was focused on obtaining knife-like plates from the frontal nucleuses. 94 % of plates have width to 2 см. The plates were basis for manufacturing knifes, cutters, scrapers, and piercings. The tools on splinters make up only 13 % of the whole complex. The feature of the complex is the presence of the middle cutters on the wide and massive plates and the abrasives for stitching edges of nucleus shock pads. The adze from a massive piece of siliceous shale and the side scraper from split along quartzite pebbles are unique. Pebbles with diameter from 2 to 6 cm were used for splitting. The large percentage of products with pebble crust (57 %) evidence the use of local pebble row materials. The nearest source of pebbles (the only one for 100 km) is situated in the township Rychcova 2 km from the site. Over half of the products (56 %) are made of different types of jaspers (green, dark-grey, sealing wax, brownish, red-green, and light-grey). Siliceous shale (24 %) and quality flint (15 %) were widely used as well. The products from quartzite, chalcedony,aleuropelite and milk quartz are presented singly.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2019-1-5-19

Author Biography

Yu. B. Serikov, Russian State Professional Pedagogical University (Nizhny Tagil Branch)

Doctor of Science in History, Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Archaeological Laboratory, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (branch in Nizhny Tagil) (Russia)


Библиографический список

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How to Cite

Serikov, Y. B. (2019). Stone Implements and Mineral Row of Garinskaia Paleolithic Site on the Sosva River. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 44(1), 5–19. Retrieved from