Rhizosphere bacteria community and petrol hydrocarbon (PHC) biodegradation in soil planted to field crops
A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted for investigating the capability of agrass (annual ryegrass), a legume (summer vetch), and a crucifer (white mustard) to growin a soil from a former coal gasification site and promote the biodegradation of petrolhydrocarbons (PHCs). Soil concentrations of 1517 mg kg-1 of total petrol hydrocarbons(TPHs), including 71.4 mg kg-1 of total US EPA priority polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (TPAHs) have caused a significant (P<0.05) reduction in shoot and rootyields by more than 50%. Abundance and bacterial community composition in soil andrhizosphere were distinctly altered by the PHC contaminants and also depended on cropspecies and age. After 95 days, 68.7% of initial TPH amounts and 59% of the TPAHs haddisappeared from unplanted soil. The removal of PHCs was fostered in soil planted tomustard and vetch reaching final TPH concentrations that were 15.6% and 12%,respectively, lower than in unplanted soil. Mustard and vetch elicited the greatestdegradative root activities and sustained particularly great populations of rhizospherebacteria that are known hydrocarbon degraders. None of the crops aided thebiodegradation of TPAHs in soil.References
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