terrestrial vertebrates, faunistic complexes, Baikal region, zoological mapping, complex atlases, geoinformation technologiesAbstract
Small-scale zoological mapping represents the highest level of abstraction, when not only the most important local features of the spatial differentiation of the population are taken into account but also the general zoogeographic patterns inherent in individual species, faunistic complexes, or fauna as a whole. The development of the methodology for compiling maps and legends, the introduction of geographic information systems and computer data processing significantly expand the modern possibilities of zoological mapping. Currently, the literature and various departmental documents have accumulated a wealth of information on the species composition, distribution and number of terrestrial vertebrate species in the Baikal region, more or less complete descriptions of the animal population in individual territories are given. Integration of the disparate data by creating a map of the vertebrate population makes it possible to visualize the structure and distribution of various types of the population, as well as to reveal the generalpatterns of their formation over a vast territory. The paper describes the experience of compiling a zoological map ‘Faunistic complexes of the Baikal region’ and its legend on a scale of 1: 5 000 000. This is the first overview map created for such a vast territory, it includes 1,400 units in the main layer and contains information about 2 classes, 7 types and 13 subtypes of faunistic complexes.References
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