


health resort complex, tourist cluster, tourist product, Bolshaya Belokurikha, strategic spatial planning, public-private partnership


The article analyzes the results of a survey conducted in 2019–2020  among the clients of the Altai Territory health resort complex. Special attention is paid to the objects of medical and health tourism that are part of Bolshaya Belokurikha (the town and three municipal districts – Altaisky, Smolensky and Soloneshensky). The paper presents the structure of the tourist cluster of medical and health-improving services, describes the natural-ecological, economic-infrastructural and socio-cultural elements of the tourist cluster. Analysis  of 1,700 responses to the questionnaires sent to the sanatoriums revealed the most preferred types of services for tourists in the sanatoriums of the region (by target activities – treatment with mineral baths, by related activities – massage). According to the results of the survey, satisfaction with the quality of medical services was 97%, with professionalism of medical personnel – 96%, with medical procedures – 93%, with entertainment programs – 87,9%, and with children's entertainment – 67,9%. Among the main problems in the development of health-improving tourism is the insufficient number of accommodation facilities for SPA and Wellness, VIP-segment tourists, tourist activities of a health-improving nature, including those for children. A positive image of the Bolshaya Belokurikha health resort cluster has developed in the country. Further development of the complex is linked to the need to organize a public-private partnership in the creation and operation of health tourism facilities in the Altai Territory.


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How to Cite

Dunets А. Н., Semenova З. А., Akimov О. С., Grudtcyn Н. А., & Chistobaev А. И. (2021). ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF HEALTH TOURISM IN THE ALTAI TERRITORY ACCORDING TO A QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY. Geographical Bulletin, (2(57), 151–162.



Recreational G eography and Tourism