


fire prevention, fire danger, remote sensing data, geoinformation methods, fire simulation models, neural networks


The study deals with remote sensing methods for natural fire prevention, provides analysis and systematization on the subject. It traces the historical development and demonstrates the diversity of the methods. The main development stages and their characteristics were identified taking into account the increasing number of the sources and types of remote sensing and deepening knowledge of the subject. Fire interpretation includes fundamentally different processes of ignition and fire spread. The concepts of fire danger and its factors were introduced, the ways for their selection and application in the methods were analyzed. The source data for the methods were defined: satellite imagery of various resolutions (Landsat, Sentinel, MODIS/Terra-Aqua, AVHRR/NOAA, etc.), UAV images, lidar data, as well as technologies to process those. The study demonstrates that the most commonly used are traditional methods of geoinformation analysis, simulation modelling and neural networks. The methods were described, features of their implementation were identified. The description includes specific examples of fire danger assessment methods based on GIS, simulation models of fire spread, fire prevention methods based on neural networks and their application for territories of different spatial levels – global, regional and local.


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How to Cite

Gizatullin А. Т. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF REMOTE SENSING METHODS FOR NATURAL FIRE PREVENTION. Geographical Bulletin, (1(56), 149–161.



Cartogrphy and Geoinformatics