


tourist attractiveness, tours for young people, young people’s preferences, regional tourism


This research investigates young people’s perception of tourist attractiveness of routes in the Perm region. The study of the youth’s preferences in the choice of tourist objects and events can help to work out recommendations for the development of routes in the region. Methodologically, the research is based on a complex interdisciplinary approach. The basic methods were questioning and observations in a tourist group during travelling on the territory of the Perm region. The study has shown that young people are interested not only in active but also in historical and cultural tours, in most cases showing particular interest in historical attractions, museums, architecture etc. Interactive technologies, amusement components of the tours are attractive to young people, who are especially impressed by master classes. However, the information component of the tours (for example, that provided by museums) is the most important. The study clearly shows that the social stereotype that young people are only interested in amusement is untrue. Thus, in most cases the importance of interactive methods is overestimated. Furthermore, the research demonstrates that young people generally perceive travelling in the Perm region in a positive way, highly estimating the tour programs, the tourist objects, the service and hospitality level, the quality of food and accommodation. The feedbacks of young people on the results of travelling are favorable. The majority of the respondents would recommend these tours to their friends. This investigation has a potential to be continued.


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How to Cite

Shestakova Е. Н., & Semakina А. М. (2021). TOURIST ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE PERM REGION’S ROUTES IN THE PERCEPTION OF YOUNG PEOPLE. Geographical Bulletin, (1(56), 119–133.



Recreational G eography and Tourism