туризм, зонирование, инвестиционный проект, Пермский крайAbstract
Рассматриваются подходы к проведению инвестиционного зонирования Пермского края для определения последовательности вовлечения различных территорий в туристско-рекреационные проекты. Обосновывается механизм оценки приоритетности создаваемых туристских проектов.TERRITORY ZONE DEVISION FOR THE TOURIST BRANCH INVESTMENTS (PERMREGION AS AN EXAMPLE)The research is aimed at the search of foundation in order to find the sequence definition involving the regional territories into the tourist-recreational processes. It is founded, that priority of investment into the tourism field coming out of few main premises. Among those, the differences in tourist resource potential, features of general and touristical topology within the region, the touristical route framework and the transportation accessibilities. The analyses of those premises came into the basis of Geographical zoning in Perm’s region, which is showing the territory sequence perspective within the tourism investments. The appointed zones are defining the order of financing aid the prospective tourism projects. The implemented zoning defining the stages of tourism perspective development in the Perm’s region. Therefore, the equivalent projects: as, suitable and effective, the priority is given to the project, which location is in more privileged territory.References
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