Development of a spatial database conceptual model for the cadastre of burial places
spatial databases, conceptual model, necrogeography, burial places, spatial analysis, cadastre, attributes, relational approach, informationAbstract
The paper considers the development of conceptual models for spatial and attribute databases for the cadastre of burial places. A scheme of retrieving and representing geospatial information for burial territories is suggested. A specialized set of attributes, based on the properties of burial places and objects located on their territory, is developed. Moreover, it is the first time a burial site has been considered as a three-dimensional spatial object. With the use of the suggested set of attributes, various versions of a conceptual model of the burial places attribute database have been developed and analyzed; based on the relational approach, the best of them has been chosen. Applying the model of the attribute database and based on the experience of participation in the topographic inventory of burial places, a model for the arrangement of information storage in the spatial database of the burial places cadastre has been designed.doi 10.17072/2079-7877-2018-2-167-180References
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