The assessment of air pollution of the Southern Baikal area by emissions of industrial enterprises


  • Саяна Жамсарановна Вологжина Иркутский государственный университет
  • Елена Владимировна Сафонова Управление Росприроднадзора по Иркутской области


pollution, air, industrial enterprises, meteorological observations, air self-purification potential, modeling, Southern Baikal area


The article studies the contribution of industrial enterprises to air pollution of the Southern Baikal area and provides an assessment of air self-purification potential of this territory. The data of 8-term meteorological observations of the wind velocity vector and air temperature were processed by methods of mathematical statistics. These data of nine weather stations were collected in the period from 2010 to 2015 with the aim to obtain average meteorological characteristics. The atmosphere climatic ellipses of wind stream dispersion in January, April and August were constructed for the assessment of air self-purification potential. In addition, the duration and area of air pollutants’ influence were calculated with the use of the mathematical model. Input data in the model are inventory data of enterprises. Seventy four dispersion maps of pollutants from stationary emission sources of enterprises were constructed based on the calculations carried out. These results allow for estimating air pollution of the Southern Baikal area.doi 10.17072/2079-7877-2018-2-128-138

Author Biographies

Саяна Жамсарановна Вологжина, Иркутский государственный университет

Кандидат географических наук, доцент кафедры гидрологии и природопользования

Елена Владимировна Сафонова, Управление Росприроднадзора по Иркутской области

Специалист-эксперт отдела экологического нормирования


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How to Cite

Вологжина, С. Ж., & Сафонова, Е. В. (2018). The assessment of air pollution of the Southern Baikal area by emissions of industrial enterprises. Geographical Bulletin, (2), 128–138. Retrieved from


