Critical toponymics as a direction of geographic research: problems and perspectives


  • Сергей Николаевич Басик Конэстога Колледж, Китченер


critical geography, critical toponymics, toponymic politics, toponymic nomination, urabanonym, geo-toponymic research


In this article, the main aspects of the critical toponymics development as a branch of geography are considered. It is noted that, in contrast to the traditional linguistic analysis, the key focus of research in this field of study is directed toward a critical understanding of the socio-political and symbolic role of toponyms, the toponymic nomination policy and its results, as well as related processes. The main problems of critical toponymics are revealed, including the shortcomings of the theoretical and methodological basis, the uniformity of the structure and content of scientific works, the English-speaking hegemony in the studies, and the actual absence of geographical works in this direction in the post-Soviet realm. A number of new directions of critical analysis in geo-toponymic studies of the post-Soviet realm are proposed: identification of universal laws of toponymic production of space (toponymic universals); the study of the regional spatial symbolism of toponymy; the analysis of current trends in toponymic policy, as well as the toponymic nomination practices in different regions and at various levels, including the territories with multi-ethnic composition and indigenous toponymy; the study of the functioning of toponyms within the semiotic landscape in the context of emotional geography; the analysis of the toponymy of geo-ecological problems and landscape transformations, and the role of administrative power, business entities and the local populations in these processes. The importance of including the post-Soviet geographers in the international agenda of critical toponymic analysis is pointed out.  doi 10.17072/2079-7877-2018-1-56-63

Author Biography

Сергей Николаевич Басик, Конэстога Колледж, Китченер

кандидат географических наук,профессор школы свободных исследований


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How to Cite

Басик, С. Н. (2018). Critical toponymics as a direction of geographic research: problems and perspectives. Geographical Bulletin, (1), 56–63. Retrieved from



Economic, Social and Political Geography