Ethics of publications in the journal

The publication of articles in the journal "Geographic Bulletin" is aimed at the development of geographical science, its many branches, strengthens ties in the scientific geographic community. In this regard, it is necessary to establish appropriate standards of ethical behavior for authors and all parties involved in the publication process.

The journal's ethical policy was developed based on the recommendations of the Scientific Publishing Ethics Committee ( and the Elsevier Publishing Ethics Guidelines (, as well as is generally consistent with the ethical policy of leading Russian and foreign scientific journals.

We practice the ethical standards suggested by the Committee ( on Publication Ethics and regulations of the Perm State University REGULATIONS ON ETHICAL STANDARDS OF EDITORIAL POLICY OF PERM STATE UNIVERSITY.

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The Editorial Collegium and the Editorial Council  of the journal "Geographic Bulletin" in their activities are guided by the following principles:

- When deciding on publication, be guided by the scientific value of the work in question, the originality of the ideas presented, the reliability of factual data, and the clarity of the text.

- Evaluate the scientific content of articles regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, social status or political preferences of the authors.

- To monitor the absence of conflicts of interest between the participants in the process

preparation of the publication.

- Reduce and edit the submitted articles, taking into account the opinions of the authors, if it is necessary to improve the quality of publication and achieve compliance of publications with the standards of the journal.

- Be guided by objective criteria when rejecting an article.

- To attract for reviewing specialists from Russia and foreign countries who have published works that correspond or are close to the thematic direction of the submitted manuscript.

- Maintain the anonymity of reviewers.

- Do not use unpublished data from submitted manuscripts for personal research without the written consent of the author.

- Publish rebuttals or corrections in case of errors.

When preparing and submitting a manuscript for publication, the author (or a group of authors) should be guided by the following principles:

- To bear the author's responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research.

- To guarantee the originality of the research results presented in the manuscript submitted for publication. To make out the fragments or statements borrowed by the author with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Plagiarism in any form, including unofficial quotations, paraphrasing or appropriation of rights to the results of someone else's research, is unacceptable.

- Indicate as co-authors persons who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the concept of the work, development, execution or interpretation of the presented research; it is inadmissible to indicate persons who did not participate in the research among the authors. All authors must approve the final version of the work and agree to submit it for publication, they are equally responsible for its content.

- Indicate in the manuscript information about financial support, if any.

- Prepare manuscripts in accordance with the existing requirements of the editorial office of the journal.

- Do not submit the same manuscript at the same time to more than one journal, or an already published article.

- If an error or inaccuracy is found in an article made by the author, at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, immediately bring it to the editorial office of the journal to eliminate or correct the error.

A reviewer performing an expert assessment of the submitted materials in his actions should be guided by the following principles:

- Consider a manuscript received for review as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties who do not have the authority to do so from the Editorial Collegium.

- Provide the Editorial Collegium of the journal with the information necessary to make a decision on publication, through an objective assessment, expressed clearly and reasonably.

- Evaluate the peer-reviewed material impartially and objectively; motivated to formulate critical remarks regarding the level and clarity of the presented material, its correspondence to the profile of the journal, the novelty and reliability of the results. Personal criticism of the author by the reviewer is unacceptable.

- To identify significant published works that are relevant to the topic and are not included in the bibliography for the manuscript; pay attention to the discovery of significant similarities or coincidences between the manuscript in question and any other published work that is in the field of scientific competence of the reviewer.

- Do not use unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts for personal purposes.

- Do not participate in the review of manuscripts in the event of a conflict of interest due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work

- Try not to harm the author's mood, his desire to continue the scientific research begun even with a negative review.