


ESG agenda, sustainable development goals, stakeholders, sustainable development, public policy


The study's relevance lies in the current development of the ESG agenda in Russia in the context of finding a balance between the main stakeholders: the state, large enterprises and society. Decisions made by government bodies and large companies have the greatest impact on the prospects for implementing the ESG agenda. The context of public expectations regarding ESG projects is an integral condition for the effective development of the territory. This study aimed to characterize the ESG policies of Russia's state and industrial enterprises and determine their alignment with the needs of society. Using the content analysis of open annual reports of industrial enterprises published on the official websites, the goals of sustainable development shared by enterprises were reconstructed. The method for studying public attitudes towards the ESG agenda was a sociological survey. The monitoring of the state's ESG policy was carried out through a content analysis of the regulatory framework of current legislation in the field of sustainable development and the texts of speeches of the head of state. The study showed a correlation between the ESG agenda of state policy, industrial enterprises and public demand, which can be considered as a factor in the sustainable development of the territory.  

Author Biographies

Julia Lektorova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Public Relations

Daria Semenova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and History

Andrey Prudnikov, Eurasian Technological University

Candidate of Political Science, Director of the Department of Science

Julia Gerasimova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Master of Science in the Department of Foreign Languages and Public Relations


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How to Cite

Lektorova Ю. Ю., Semenova Д. М., Prudnikov А. Ю., & Gerasimova Ю. А. (2025). ESG AGENDA IN THE TERRITORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: INDUSTRIAL POLICY AND PUBLIC DEMAND. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(4), 140–152.



Political institutions, processes, technologies