


state cultural policy, family values, Year of the Family, representation of values, federal cultural projects


The family is a major focus of state cultural policy in contemporary Russia. The representation of its normative image is facilitated both at the rhetorical level of strategic documents and through specific cultural projects. This article examines consistency between these two levels using the Year of the Family 2024 as a case study. Typically, the family as a subject of state interest is at the centre of social policy research, but the examination of value-normative policy instruments is rarely included in such analyses. Simultaneously, studies on cultural policy mostly focus on the contents of strategic documents or the activities of particular institutions. This study highlights how a particular theme is conveyed through different cultural projects, as well as studies thematic years as a tool for this purpose. We regard the Year of the Family as an official showcase intended to illustrate the normative image of the family. The value connotations in textual and visual materials from federal cultural event websites and public pages (according to the Federal Plan of the Year) is analyzed. These connotations are correlated with the value systems contained in Russia’s strategic documents. The issue of the integrity of the showcase of cultural policy on the family is considered.

Author Biographies

Elena Kochukhova, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

CSc in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law,

Evgenia Vakhrusheva, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

CSc in Political Sciences, Academic Secretary, Institute of Philosophy and Law


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How to Cite

Kochukhova Е. С., & Vakhrusheva Е. А. (2025). FAMILY AS A VALUE IN THE SHOWCASES OF RUSSIA’S CULTURAL POLICY. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(4), 102–110.



Political institutions, processes, technologies