trust in government, epidemiological threat, coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, regional government, institutional trust, Republic of Adygea, Krasnodar Territory, political and sociological analysis, indicators of trust in government, index of trust in governmentAbstract
The article examined the problem of trust in government in unstable and uncertain conditions of epidemiological threats. Based on data from an empirical study conducted during the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (October 2021), the main characteristics of indicators such as trust in information and communication, transparency of regional policies, government competence and solidarity were identified. The research was based on a political and sociological approach and was conducted in the Krasnodar Region and the Republic of Adygea using a questionnaire method (n=1091). Analysis of the obtained data was performed using a comprehensive methodology to construct an integral index of government trust. The construction of integral indices of trust in government in the studied regions showed that, in Adygea, all the measured indicators were higher than in the Krasnodar Territory. Only the indicators for "solidarity" were comparable. In general, both regions had a confidence index of more than 100. According to the proposed methodology, this means that trust predominates over distrust. The authors proposed mechanisms to increase trust in authorities based on empirical data, including the development of social and communication technologies, crowdsourcing, and creating conditions for self-organization based on principles of cohesion.References
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