ontological security, trust, consumption, power, social justice, freedomAbstract
The article is based on the materials of the monthly monitoring of public opinion in the Nizhny Novgorod region, conducted by the ANO "Scientific Research Institute for Social Management Problems" together with the Volga branch of the IS FNISC RAS since 2021. The influence of living conditions, resource accessibility and family income as factors in ensuring the ontological security of society and changes in the level of axiological trust is analysed. The analysis focuses on social groups stratified by consumption opportunities. The self-assessment method used allows us to get a realistic picture of the level of material well-being of the population, taking into account the influence of the individual scale of consumer demands. A high-trust society is considered in terms of public opinion, daily life satisfaction and respect for the principles of social justice. The paper demonstrates that the opposition between security, including ontological security, and freedom, traditional to the theoretical constructions of postmodernism, is absent from mass consciousness, while the historical ambivalence of value categories persists. The article substantiates the assumption about the evolution of views on freedom and security in a consumer society, the formation of a common material and rational basis of value attitudes that changes the essence and nature of contradictions among them.References
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