



Russian regions, opposition parties, elections, cooptation, factors of cooptation


The study is devoted to the analysis of the cooptation of the opposition in the regional parliaments of Russia, i.e. the factors that determine the decision to co-opt certain representatives of the systemic opposition. Co-optation is understood as the granting of leading positions in the regional parliament (such as deputy chairmanships and committee chairmanships) to the systemic opposition represented by the CPRF, LDPR and A Just Russia - For Truth. The article examines the factors influencing cooptation, comparing institutional factors (the influence of the position of the head of the region and the general characteristics of the regional parliament) and personal factors related to the career characteristics of the deputy corps. Using the sample of the 2019-2023 regional elections, it has been demonstrated that the decision to co-opt is most often individual and depends on the personal characteristics of the co-opted deputies, namely their experience in the economic field and their election to one of the convocations of the regional parliament. In addition, the importance of seats won by the systemic opposition is demonstrated, confirming existing research. The study expands the existing understanding of cooptation factors by testing the influence of factors at several levels of leadership positions, and leaves room for further deepening and expansion of the findings.

Author Biography

Alexander Gorokhov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

postgraduate student, Faculty of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Gorokhov А. В. (2025). FACTORS OF COOPTATION OF THE OPPOSITION IN THE REGIONAL PARLIAMENTS OF RUSSIA (EVIDENCE OF ELECTORAL CAMPAIGNS IN 2019-2023). Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(4), 30–39. https://doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2024-4-30-39



Political institutions, processes, technologies