politics of memory, historical memory, Czech Republic, Czech-German relations, historical symbols, historical narrativesAbstract
The study of the politics of memory as an instrument of foreign policy is a current area of political science. The article analyzes the politics of memory of the Czech Republic in the context of its relations with the FRG from 1989 to 2023 and in comparison with the politics of memory regarding Russia. Based on a symbolic analysis of a corpus of texts by Czech politicians (representatives of the executive and legislative branches of government during the respective periods), the conclusion is drawn that from the negative perception of Germany as a threat in the 1990s and the active use of politics of memory in bilateral relations, the image of the past of Czech-German relations moved into the realm of domestic politics. The politics of memory towards Russia, on the other hand, exploited the image of the Soviet or Russian threat throughout the entire period, despite the existing contradictions in the perception of Russia at the level of Czech society. The politics of memory changed its character from antagonism to agonism in the case of Germany, which was due to the overcoming of historical trauma, and retained its antagonistic character in the case of Russia, whose trauma continues to be a part of bilateral relations.References
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