
  • Dmitriy Pogorelsky Lomonosov Moscow State University



securitization, Copenhagen School, national security, interethnic relations, official discours, President of Russia


The study of the securitization of public policy is a hot research area in political science. Based on the Copenhagen School approach, the author describes the securitization of the sphere of interethnic relations in Russia as a threatened referent object. The empirical analysis is based on content analysis of official discourse material, with 2012 as the lower chronological time frame. The source base includes speeches by the President of the Russian Federation on topics of national security and law enforcement and transcripts of meetings of the Council for Interethnic Relations with the participation of the head of state. The relevance of these sources lies in the fact that they formulate general approaches that are developed in strategic planning documents and other legal acts. The results show a stable presence of security topics in the public discourse on inter-ethnic relations and the implementation of state ethnic policy. Moreover, an intensification of securitization rhetoric has been recorded in recent years, as well as the presence of a significant share of securitizing acts associated with the mention of external challenges and threats. It is assumed that these phenomena are associated with geopolitical threats to the Russian Federation’s national security, including its ethnopolitical component.

Author Biography

Dmitriy Pogorelsky, Lomonosov Moscow State University

postgraduate student, School of Public Administration


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How to Cite

Pogorelsky Д. М. (2025). SECURITIZATION OF INTERETHNIC RELATIONS IN RUSSIA (BASED ON MATERIALS FROM OFFICIAL DISCOURSE). Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(4), 20–29.



Political institutions, processes, technologies