political culture; culture; strategic documents in the field of cultural policy; traditional values; national regions; stability of regional power; Republic of TuvaAbstract
At times of significant change or challenge for modern states, interest in understanding the phenomenon of political culture gains topicality. In recent years, Russia has developed a regulatory framework in the field of cultural policy, particularly in the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. Based on the case of an ethnic minority region, the Republic of Tuva, the authors assess the significance of traditional values for the development of the region that determine stable and sustainable development in the current political conditions. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between cultural traditions and the centuries-old features of the political culture of the Tuva population. The article aims at considering the specifics of the political culture of the Republic of Tuva as one of the Russian national regions with the possibility of using the existing practice in the formation of technologies for strengthening the foundations of traditional culture in the Russian regions. The article highlights that the modern political culture of Tuva is a synthesis of the features of a common culture of Tuvinians, which ultimately determines the sustainability of the implemented policies of the regional authorities and shows a high level of support for the federal authorities in strengthening Russian traditional values.References
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