autonomism; separatism; sovereignty; intra-state region; regionalism; Europe of regions; subjectivityAbstract
The article is dedicated to the issue of separatism, specifically one of its forms – the autonomism of intra-state regions and its possible consequences and influence on sovereignty. The author emphasizes that secessionism is more often considered as the main threat to a sovereign state, however, autonomism, transforming a sovereign state from within, probably creates even more serious challenges. The methodological basis of the work is presented by the theories of sovereignty, regionalism, autonomism, separatism, as well as the concept of an intra-state region as an actor in global politics. The article focuses on the problems of the transformation of sovereignty in the modern world and the prospects this process creates for the development of the autonomism movement. Considering some examples of autonomism, the author formulates a thesis about the complexity of this phenomenon: this is not only a movement to acquire political subjectivity, but also an analytical and existing structure consisting of the movement itself and a variety of interrelated actors and projects that arise both inside and outside the state, in global politics. As a result, conclusions are formulated about the possible consequences for sovereignty, as well as further directions of research on the issue.References
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