language policy; language regime; linguistic diversity; ethnolinguistic minorities; qualitative comparative analysis (QCA); the practices of institutionalization of language policy; economic foundations of language policyAbstract
The study of the relationship between economics and language policy is a relatively small block of research literature. However, if the political and economic effects of language policy are studied more thoroughly, the economic determinants of its implementation require special attention. Does the economic situation of regions formed according to the ethnolinguistic principle affect the practices of institutionalization of language policy in them and in conjunction with other factors? The article considers the following variables: the economic situation of the region, the share of the "titular" ethnolinguistic group in the population of the region, the electoral support for "United Russia", the affiliation of the governor of the region with the "titular" ethnolinguistic group, the distance of the region from the federal center. The study is conducted on the example of 26 regions of the Russian Federation. The qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of the 2016 data negates the central hypothesis about the influence of the economic status of the region on the level of learning the "titular" language during secondary education. The ethnolinguistic minority's share in the population, the governor's affiliation with this minority, and the electoral support of "United Russia" in national elections had the greatest impact on the institutionalization practices of language policy in education.References
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