late imperial Russia; USSR; RSFSR; Russian Federation; parliamentary debates; political use of historyAbstract
The paper deals with the practices of appealing to the past in the parliamentary debates of the first sessions of the State Duma of late imperial Russia (1906) and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (1994), as well as the first few Congresses of People's Deputies of the USSR (1989) and the RSFSR (1990). These cases meet two criteria: first, these representative institutions were fundamentally new institutions in changing political systems, and second, the principles of forming their composition ensured competition in the process of discussing symbolic discourses. Cross-temporal research has made it possible to identify a universal set of techniques, at least for the Russian experience, for the instrumental use in parliamentary discussions of knowledge/ideas about the past when solving modern problems, including an appeal to the past as an argument in the discussion; interpretation/evaluation of the past as a marker of group identity; a call to consign to oblivion / to forget/ to forgive the past; articulation of historical grievances/traumas; criticism of historical government policies; discreditation of a political opponent: pointing out the ignorance of history / falsification of history.References
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