city; urban political space; municipality; political urbanism; territorial communities; territorial identity; conflictologyAbstract
The transition to the polycentric world paradigm that the Russian political leadership is currently advocating affects not only the restructuring of interstate relations, but also the country's awareness of its civilizational belonging, uniting Russia's national and territorial diversity. In this regard, cities become one of the most important elements of the state's political system, where not only the state's policies are transmitted, but also feedback from society is generated. Scientific research of the city is taking on new dimensions. The city, as a multifaceted and multidimensional space, has become the subject of research not only by specialists in the field of urban studies, but also by political science, economics, sociology, philosophy, and other sciences. The academic approach to the political aspect of the city is also diverse; Russian researchers in the field of local political processes already studied many cases concerning urban politics, offered their interpretations and forecasts, identified systemic features, and developed the methodological basis for urban research. Interdisciplinary approach to the development of urban theory combines various scientific methods and has a synergistic effect. The article provides an overview of scientific works published in 2021-23 in the field of development of the theory of political space of the modern Russian city.References
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