



symbolic politics; political usage of the past; round number anniversary of the regional capital city; 300th anniversary of Perm; regional identity; political process; historical park


The article analyzes the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Perm as a case of symbolic politics. Preparation for the city’s jubilee is considered as a complex political process that along with other components involves a political usage of the historical past and a representation of local identity. This approach combines a semantic analysis of the celebration program with a study of actor interactions that led to the selection of particular meanings. The analysis is based on media publications, expert interviews, and field research conducted in September and October 2023. The article reveals the key semantic dilemmas involved in the construction of the celebration program of the 300th anniversary of Perm, and discusses the problems that its organizers had to solve. Special attention is devoted to historical and educational projects prepared for the anniversary. The author concludes that despite expectations and fears the celebration of the 300th anniversary did not become an act of decisive redefinition of Perm's identity. The slogan of the celebration "Everything is real" perfectly expressed the main idea of the event - a manifestation of different, sometimes contradictory facets of Perm's identity.

Author Biography

O. Yu. Malinova, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Dr. of Philosophy, Professor, chief researcher


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How to Cite

Malinova О. Ю. (2024). JUBILEE OF A REGIONAL CAPITAL AS A SYMBOLIC POLITICS: THE CASE OF THE 300TH ANNIVERSARY OF PERM. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(2). https://doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2024-2-47-58