ethnicity; identity politics; politicization of ethnicity; institutionalization of ethnicity; political elite; 'sym-bolic elite'; Republic of TatarstanAbstract
The article examines how ethnicity has been institutionalized and interpreted in the identity politics of the Republic of Tatarstan over the past 30 years of its post-Soviet development. The analysis includes a diachronic study of factors in the actualization of ethnicity in different periods of modern Russian history: disintegration (early 1990s) and reintegration (from the 2000s to the present). The analysis of factors that determine changes in the functional component of ethnicity in ethnocultural and ethnopolitical processes within the republic, in the context of national development vectors, provides the research with a new perspective. Focusing on the inertial and dynamic components of the phenomenon allows us to consider their dialectical interaction, as well as its plasticity and situational nature in the context of the dynamics of the political process in modern Russia. The polypardigmatic approach used by the author allows us to identify the foundations of ethnic identification processes in the field of politics in Tatarstan. The analysis reveals the role of regional political and 'symbolic' elites in the context of the dynamics of the political process. The analysis is of practical importance since the ethnic factor has to be taken into account, particularly in times of political turbulence resulting from recent external challenges.References
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